We love to see and be seen, here to exchange erotic photos and also share experiences, dreams and fantasies. We do NOT use chat, Skype and similar apps.
ATTENTION: PLEASE NOTE: We are not interested in single men, stallions, bulls or other male species, without photos of their women to exchange.
GB-Mature libertine couple from Tuscany, exhibitionist and voyeur, who loves to see and be seen, looking for all those who want to exchange and share personal, intimate and private images, with the mutual promise of never giving in or posting elsewhere.
IT-Matura coppia libertina della Toscana, esibizionista e voyeur, che ama vedere ed essere vista, alla ricerca di tutti coloro che vogliono scambiare e condividere immagini personali, intime e riservate, con la reciproca promessa di non cedere mai o postare altrove.
DE-Reifes, freizügiges Paar aus der Toskana, Exhibitionist und Voyeur, der es liebt, zu sehen und gesehen zu werden, sucht alle, die persönliche, intime und private Bilder austauschen und teilen möchten, mit dem gegenseitigen Versprechen, niemals nachzugeben oder sie woanders zu posten.
FR-Couple libertin mature de Toscane, exhibitionniste et voyeur, qui aime voir et être vu, recherche tous ceux qui veulent échanger et partager des images personnelles, intimes et privées, avec la promesse mutuelle de ne jamais céder ni poster ailleurs.
ES-Pareja libertina madura de Toscana, exhibicionista y voyeur, a la que le encanta ver y ser vista, busca a todos aquellos que quieran intercambiar y compartir imágenes personales, íntimas y privadas, con la promesa mutua de nunca ceder ni publicar en otro lugar.